Are we getting an X-Force movie?


Right now comic book films are a cash cow that is being milked for all it’s worth. With so many confirmed films already, there is now a rumor that another one may be coming soon. While there has been no official word, 20th Century Fox recently registered the domain name which is leading some to believe that a X-Force film may be coming in the future. has discovered that 20th Century Fox has registered the domain name While this is not official confirmation on the matter, it does at least imply that the studio is thinking of expanding the X-Men films into areas they’ve yet to explore.



IF there is a film coming in the future, I’m wondering who the team will consist of. There have been many variations of the team since its beginning. I think that Cable is the character that most are looking forward to since many of the other characters weren’t as popular when the series launched. As of now I am talking about speculation, so only time will tell if speculation becomes reality.

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