Hey there guys,
It’s been over a week now since we implemented the new design here at The Movie Blog. We switched from Movable Type which we used for over 4 years to a totally new back end with WordPress. We’ve added some new features and I wanted to get your input.
1) Now that the new design has been up for a bit, what are your thoughts? Happy with it? Love it? Hate it? Ok? Not so great?
2) Functionality – Are you experiencing any bugs with the site? Is it loading faster? Slower? How would you grade the overall performance of the site since the switch?
3) Features – We’ve added a couple of things like the ability to subscribe to a comments thread so you can be notified when more comments have been made to a thread you’re following. What other (if any) features would you like to see added or taken away?
Thanks guys. We continue to try to give you the best user experience that we can, but we can only do that with your input. Please do take a second to leave your thoughts in the comments. Thanks!