Batman vs Superman gets its title ‘Dawn of Justice’

[Source: Variety]

The upcoming sequel to Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel is continually getting a lot of press due to the casting choices. While this film has had a working title for quite some time, today there is an official title for the film. The title Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice gives obvious insinuations towards the building of the Justice League films to come. DC will be following in Marvel’s footsteps by building a team based film but be doing so in reverse. Instead of establishing each individual character with their own film, this sequel to Man of Steel will most likely serve as the starting point for many of the Justice League members.


The film will probably still be centered around Batman and Superman, but will still have an overall theme following the “dawn of the Justice League.” The introduction and focus on the other characters in this film will be a very critical make or break element for this upcoming film. If they choose to put an adequate amount of focus on each character and evenly distribute screen time, then this film has a high chance of falling victim to a character development overload like many other failed superhero films. If they are to do this right, they need to keep the screen time focused on Batman and Superman and briefly introduce the other characters who will carry over in films to follow.

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