JJ Abrams is finally hard at work on the Star Trek sequel. I can’t even talk about how much I enjoyed the first movie. I sat there, I watched it in the IMAX and it was fantastic from beginning to end. I enjoyed the cast, the chemistry between the actors, and the new concepts introduced with “the Abrams treamtment” of the property. There was a lot of T.L.C. taken with the movie and I’m sure it wasn’t easy, so you gotta appreciate the remarkable effort that was put into that movie to make it what fans are appreciating today. With that said, Benicio Del Toro is a name that is now being thrown in the hat as the main villain in the upcoming Star Trek sequel.
Source: Forces of Geek
Variety reports that Benicio Del Toro has already met with J.J. Abrams and will soon be offered the role of the lead villain in the sequel to 2009’s STAR TREK (which will not be called STAR TREK 2).
Even Del Toro does not know who or what species he will be playing, though a very rumory rumor has suggested the obvious choice for the sequel… Klingons.
A lot of us are still wondering exactly what direction Abrams will steer the Star Trek enterprise in the sequel, and if he intends to mimic/reboot any previously used ideas from Star Trek films of the past or if he will continue to use this new timeline he created to instead further introduce new concepts and ideas.
I gotta admit either way I’m looking forward to the movie and I trust Abrams with this. There’s not a lot of movies or directors I’d say this with but I do trust Abrams with Trek. I’m not a fan of everything he does, especially Super 8, but with Star Trek I think the guy really has what’s needed. He has his work cut out for him but we’re all hoping that he’ll be able to deliver the same magic and elements that we enjoyed in his first Star Trek film into the sequel and if he can do this while introducing Benicio Del Toro as a baddie, then there’s plenty of potential for Del Toro to join the upper echelons for Star Trek villains. Looking forward to this and can’t wait to find out how things progress from here.