
Ricki And The Flash Official Trailer

STOP THE VIDEO NOW!!! I’m undecided about Ricki And The Flash. It’s a Meryl Streep movie. Nominated nineteen-times for an Academy Award and a three-time winner. So this should be a no brainer. I should be buying my ticket as I type, but I’m not. The problem is the trailer. I know what’s going to happen step-by-step.  They even gave away the ending. Like for real guys, you didn’t leave nothing out. Ricki And The Flash is going to be a nice little film, if you don’t see the trailer. I’m not joking. Don’t press that play button. Just read the synopsis on IMDB and that will be more than enough. Trust me.


[springboard type=”video” id=”1521543″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ]




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