
The Walk Official Trailer

Who knew a movie about tight rope walking could be so exhilarating! I heard about this movie a year ago. What was my reaction, you may ask. It was initially, “blah”. I did not know how you could make this one moment into a movie. But, that is the reason why I am not a movie producer. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a tremendous actor. He brings a certain standard to the films he partakes in. The Walk is certainly no different. The tone looked surprisingly great. The cast, who I do not know as well, looks like a nice fit for the film. Did I mention this experience is formatted in IMAX, too? I do not see any downfalls to this movie. However, my only complaint is I cannot view the film now. Watch the trailer, and join in on the enthusiasm.


[springboard type=”video” id=”1531169″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ]


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