Movie News Chat, Trailers

New Images and Poster from Zootopia

Can I tell you something guys? I’m really looking forward to this film. Can I tell you something else guys? I don’t think kids are going to like this movie. Don’t get me wrong it looks funny, but I think the jokes are more steered toward adults rather than children. I would tell you what Zootopia is about but, the trailer does a great job of that already, so I’ll leave the link below. What I really wanted to talk about is the imagery. I love every last one of them, except of Duke Weaselton. Why because he is a ripoff of Scrat from Ice Age, and I hated the character. But, every other image captured the character perfectly. You can take one look and instantly know there personalty. I don’t know who was their animation team, but around of applause to them. Check out the trailer and images down below.


[springboard type=”video” id=”1582101″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ]


ZOOTOPIA – FLASH, the fastest sloth working at the DMV—the Department of Mammal Vehicles. ©2015 Disney. All Rights Reserved.I can tell already hes going to be my favorite

ZOOTOPIA – YAX THE YAK, the most enlightened, laid-back bovine in Zootopia. When Judy Hopps is on a case, Yax is full of revealing insights. ©2015 Disney. All Rights Reserved.If hes a stoner I’m going to lose it.

ZOOTOPIA – DUKE WEASELTON, a small-time weasel crook with a big-time weasel mouth, who tries to give Judy the slip during a police chase. ©2015 Disney. All Rights Reserved.Boo

ZOOTOPIA – MAYOR LEODORE LIONHEART, the noble leader of Zootopia, who coined the city’s mantra that Judy Hopps lives by: “In Zootopia, anyone can be anything." ©2015 Disney. All Rights Reserved.Yay

ZOOTOPIA – FINNICK, a fennec fox with a big chip on his adorable shoulder. ©2015 Disney. All Rights Reserved.                                                           I wish Robert De Niro was voicing Finnick

ZOOTOPIA – (Left) BONNIE HOPPS, mother of Judy—and her 275 brothers and sisters. Mrs. Hopps loves and supports her daughter, but is a hare nervous about Judy moving to Zootopia to become a big-city police officer. (Right) Judy's father, STU HOPPS, a carrot farmer from Bunnyburrow. Along with Mrs. Hopps, he is worried about Judy moving to Zootopia and the untrustworthy big-city mammals who live there—especially foxes. ©2015 Disney. All Rights Reserved.


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