It appears that the same copycats that brought us Snakes On A Train have branched out into Alien territory! We get the hilarious scoop and trailer thanks to Pete at slashfilm:
Found this photo on Flickr. I wonder how many stupid people rent this direct-to-dvd rip-off thinking it’s part of the AVP (Alien vs. Predator) series? The film has an estimated budget of $500,000, and is currently getting a 1.4 out of 10 user rating on the Internet Movie Database. Produced by The Asylum, a company known for it’s cheap rip-off DVD movies, which also includes: Transmorphers, Snakes on a Train, I Am Omega, Da Vinci Treasure, HG Wells’ War of the Worlds, and Pirates of Treasure Island.
This is hilarious. I need to have an Asylum movie night where I watch as many films as I can handle back to back. Such blatant rip offs are just awesome; the product is so horribly outlandish that you can do nothing but laugh and enjoy. It was awesome to see them beat Snakes On A Train on the release date. The copy cat was able to rip off the original before it was even finished. These guys work fast – you have to give them that.