Thanks for checking out our Bucket List review, make sure to ceck out the video review at the bottom of the post!
The General Idea
Two cancer riddled dudes find out they have less that a year to live. In the hospital they become friends and decide to conquer a list of objectives before they die. They scrawl down their final to do list on a pice of yellow paper, call it The Bucket List and then we tag along for the ride.
The Good
Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson can do no wrong. These two talents have fun with this one; the commodore they share on screen seems to mirror real life. Most of the movie is a conversation between the two men as they go from task to task and with these two at the helm of conversation – you never get bored. This is a film that champions the importance of friendship and the two sell it well, ribbing and all.
The end of life is a valley that we all must walk through. Some get lucky and simply slip away in the night. But for those of us that are alive to hear the news of when we are expected to die; I can only imagine the intensity, pressure and confusion of what to do with your remaining days. This death film flips the coin and reminds us that life should always be the focus. Strangle every minute of glory out of life until it escapes you. Death will be, dwelling on the inevitable is a needless waste of time and gets in the way of quality worthwhile activities.
I enjoyed how Jack and Morgan shared some final goals and differed on others, all the while respecting each other as they enjoyed each other’s company. Living life well means living it the way you want to, and this movie stresses this fact. The good life for me is not the good life for you, but by all means we should try to achieve it.
The Bad
There was nothing in this movie that bothered me greatly. If I have to bring up something it is probably the fact that the movie unfolds exactly as you would expect it to. There are no surprises and if you saw the trailer you are probably going to guess how the whole thing will play out. This did not ruin the film for me, but it kept it from being outstanding.
This is an enjoyable feel-good movie about kicking the bucket. The message is one that considers the meaning of life, the measure of a person and the importance of vital living. Nothing gets your ass in gear like your own mortality and this movie uses dyin’ to teach us about livin’! I give this film a 7/10 and would recommend it as an inspirational drama.
Check out the video version of the review here: