Movie News Chat
James Corden

The entire cast of Thor live performing Thor Ragnarok

This really happened. I’m super disappointed that I didn’t know about this sooner, or that my writer/producer friend didn’t invite me, but it actually happened. Somehow the crew from The James Corden show wrangled the cast of Thor together to live perform Thor Ragnarok and surprise an unsuspecting audience.

I’m totally jealous because this is totally cool and I can’t even watch this thing because I won’t see Thor until tonight. For those of you who have seen the movie, how does this performance match up?

Why don’t things like this happen more often? I would totally love if films did something like this on opening weekend and took their movie on the road with little 10 minute versions prior to the feature presentation.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments…

[James Corden | Mashable ]
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