One Big Kill Bill Movie May Get Released

Ok, just about everyone already knows that Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 were originally supposed to be one film. Well it looks like Quentin Tarantino is putting the pieces into place to re-release a singular Kill Bill film into theaters. Two words here folks… MONEY GRAB.

Look, I’ve got no problem film makers trying to get their hands on as much of our money as possible. It’s a business and this is how they make their livings. My problem here is is something totally different. I loved Kill Bill Vol. 1. I thought it was a masterpiece of film making. It was original, beautifully shot and had fantastic action sequences that left me wanting more. I couldn’t wait for Vol. 2 to come out… and then it did. I hated Vol. 2 almost as much as I loved Vol. 1. My only serenity comes from purging the existence of Vol. 2 out of my mind and pretending that Vol. 1 was all there was… and pretend in my little imaginary world that Vol. 2 still hasn’t been made yet. Ahhhh… it’s so mice in this magical imaginary place.

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