Oliver Stone Planning George W. Bush Biopic

Georgewbush2004It looks like Oliver Stone is working on a film that will try and show us what it’s like to walk in George W’s boots! We get the peculiar news from our friends at ropeofsilicon:

Variety reports Stone is shopping around a script by Jon Kilik about a film focusing on the life and presidency of George W. Bush with Josh Brolin attached to star.

Stone describes the pic saying, “It’s a behind-the-scenes approach, similar to ‘Nixon,’ to give a sense of what it’s like to be in his skin… But if ‘Nixon’ was a symphony, this is more like a chamber piece, and not as dark in tone. People have turned my political ideas into a cliche, but that is superficial. I’m a dramatist who is interested in people, and I have empathy for Bush as a human being, much the same as I did for Castro, Nixon, Jim Morrison, Jim Garrison and Alexander the Great.”

The article at Variety, though, says Stone isn’t out to make an anti-Bush polemic. His goal is to use seminal events in Bush’s life to explain how he came to power, using a structure comparable to The Queen.

This is hilarious! Oliver Stone is an outspoken critic of Bush and we will see if he is able to try and keep an objective eye on this one. I for one hope not, I want to see him use all his boiling feelings to bring us a one sided defamatory masterpiece! It looks like Stone is aware of his own feelings (and of people’s knowledge of them) however, so I am guessing that this film will not be a witch hunt.

George W. is a horrible president and a piss poor statesman. But I will fully admit – he is a likable dude. This is a classic case of a guy in the wrong job causing a huge mess. If George W. Bush owned a Cadillac lot – he would be the greatest salesman that ever lived. If he swaggered up to you in cowboy boots and a powder blue suit, slapped ya on the shoulder and said “It is my dream that every man, woman and child on earth be treated to the luxury of a Cadillac” you would buy a car then and there.

The life of W is an interesting one and I think it will make for a fantastic film. Some will argue that Stone will be biased on this one… of course he will, and I think all of us will be hard pressed to find someone that isn’t polarized one way or another in their opinion of this man. Stone has done fantastic biopics in the past, has proven himself as an artist and has selected a fantastic leading man in Brolin. I think Stone is as good a man as you can get for the job and certainly cannot wait to se how this one goes down.

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