
CBD Pre Rolls for A Good Night’s Sleep

Have you ever experienced a restless night where you just can’t fall into dreamland? That may be the start of a devastating cycle of day-napping and night restlessness and ultimately will become a long-term problem called insomnia. 

According to the American Sleep Association’s report, 50-70 million Americans suffer from a type of sleeping disorder, and insomnia is the most common. It affects 30% of adults briefly and affects 10% with more severe outcomes, like slower reaction time resulting in higher risk for accidents, a significant drop in work and school performance, and some even end up having psychosis. It tells us a lot about the importance of sleep in a healthy, functioning body. Check it out here:

CBD is a well-known alternative treatment leaning more on the organic side. It is mostly known for its analgesic effects, though it has other uses as well, like an antiemetic, anticonvulsive, and an anxiolytic at some point. Though its reputation is not as pure white as other organic alternatives, CBD still stands today as one of the most highly recommended by users of all ethnicities and ages for pain relief and other health benefits.

An Introduction To CBD

CBD is a nickname many have tagged Cannabidiol, one of the 112 Phytocannabinoids found in the cannabis genus. Along with its other sister compounds, cannabidiol has its own set of benefits in the body which are immediate and potent given the proper administration. The rain on its parade, however, is its association with THC, which the cannabis species marijuana houses a lot of.

While cannabidiol can be found in various cannabis species, it is most concentrated in hemp. For this reason, hemp has become just as popular as marijuana and has gained more than a hundred acres of land just so it can be grown. 

This is then used in the CBD formula that goes in all products, like oil, edibles, hemp, etc. It is important to note that hemp has very little THC content and by manufacturing, that little THC can be removed. Customers prefer products that are 100% THC-free, gluten-free, non-dairy, and non-GMO.

On the other hand, THC (formally known as Tetrahydrocannabinol) is avoided almost entirely in this industry. The reason why can be chalked up to two things: One, the customer prefers not to have psychoactive effects along with the benefits they get. Two, marijuana and THC is illegal in their state, and three, the user is an animal. The reason why Tetrahydrocannabinol is a no-go for pet-owners is its poisonous effect on cats, dogs, horses, and other mammals. 

The toxicity can be remedied in a 30 minutes time frame, but more than that and the vet will have difficulty making your pet vomit out all THC from your pet’s body (THC has an antiemetic effect that takes effect in half an hour after ingestion). If not detoxified, the body can go into hyper drive, overwhelm their brain and organs, and put them in a coma which can lead to death.

But THC is not as harmful to humans as it is to animals. Our larger bodies and lesser receptors can take a bit more THC than them, though our threshold also has a ceiling. There’s no particular reason for having THC in our formula but as a catalyst for the entourage effect. This biological phenomenon can be triggered when more than two cannabinoids form a positive relationship in the body and enhance the effects of cannabidiol.

Cannabidiol And An Undisturbed Sleep

Cannabidiol is popularly known to address aches and pains and is known to boost immunity as well. Its other unpopular use is to help you get 7 hours or more of undisturbed sleep and fight off insomnia and/or any predisposing conditions that happened to start this condition. 

Cannabidiol itself can give a sedative effect, but not enough to pack a punch and put you right to sleep as a sleeping pill would – check out additional tips here. Rather, it would help you relax tense muscles, reduce anxiety and depression, and loosen you up just enough to coax you into slumber.

Though a few studies have emerged since the 2018 Farm bill, there are still existing studies that support this claim. In a recent study, it was found that cannabidiol did have a potential for anxiety-inducing and sedative effects on the body and not necessarily a sleeping pill.


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