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Mel Gibson Blames WBD Woes For Lethal Weapon 5 Delay

Mel Gibson Blames Warner Bros. Discovery shake up for the delay of Lethal Weapon 5. Warner Bros. merged with Discovery in April of this year and it hasn’t been the smoothest transition. “Chaotic” may be one word to describe it but Warne Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav likes to refer to it as a “shake up.” Since the merger, several film projects have slowed production and the infamous Batgirl film was outright canceled. The future look unsure for the mega media company but they are almost at the point where there is no where to go but up.

In a recent interview with Screen Rant, Mel Gibson blamed the Warner Bros. Discovery merger for the delay of Lethal Weapon 5. The quote is rather lengthy but fairly concise. Gibson claims that CEO David Zaslav coming in and firing and hiring new people has hindered the production of the film. Given everything we’ve heard coming out of Warner Bros. Discovery it’s easy to believe Gibson, since many projects have slowed production. But, Gibson is certain that Lethal Weapon 5 will bounce back and start production soon. You can see Mel Gibson’s full quote below:

“The only delay is now with all the shake-up at Warners, with Discovery coming in and the new boss [David Zaslav]. They chop everyone else up and throw them away and get new people. It always takes time for these companies to regroup, so that’s been a delay, but I’m pretty confident we’ll get this one up on its feet, probably shoot it in the first quarter of the New Year.”

This is the least surprising news I’ve heard all week. Of course Warner Bros. Discovery’s merger has caused yet another film to delay its production. Things are downright chaotic at Warner Bros. Discovery right now and it will be a while before things get better. Hopefully David Zaslav can right the ship and get things moving in the right direction and soon, because things look bleak right now. As a fan of DC Comics, I am especially upset about how those properties are being handled, but it seems like the problems at Warner Bros. Discovery are company wide. If a tentpole film like Lethal Weapon 5 is up in the air it seems like no project is safe. When all is said and done, I do hope the company can get their act together and start producing quality films.

Source: Screen Rant

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