TV Reviews

Citadel Season Finale Wraps Up A Great New Spy Thriller Series

Citadel on Prime is one of the biggest shows of the year. In terms of budget, at least. The Russo Brothers produced new series is an action spy thriller that looked to be the next big thing. And while it didn’t exactly live up to those exact expectations, it’s still a pretty awesome show. The huge sprawling concept behind the series lends itself well to the action-packed blockbuster that it ultimately becomes. And the Citadel season finale sets up a lot more to come!

Citadel Season Finale Concludes An Awesome New Show

Citadel season finale mason.

Image via Prime Video.

The Citadel TV series is all about an unprecedented spy organization working outside of national borders to safeguard the world. However, as with any spy organization, there’s an opposing group of just as skilled and dangerous spies who are their mortal enemies. The series begins with a mission on a train as our leads Mason Kane (Richard Madden) and Nadia Sinh (Priyanka Chopra Jonas) reunite to stop some eminent threat. After an action-packed encounter, the two realize that their entire organization is targeted and they were betrayed.

After an explosion leaves Mason amnesiac, with no memory of his spy life, we see him living a suburban life with his new wife and kid years later. However, the past does not stay buried and his old life comes knocking, with disastrous results. The series sees Mason, now rechristened as Kyle after the explosion, having to try to remember his old skill set in order to protect his family. But the Citadel season finale reveals so much more that audiences never see coming.

What Works In The Citadel TV Series


Image via Prime Video.

Citadel in many ways is a brand new spy thriller in the vein of the James Bond and Mission Impossible movies. It takes the best part of all those franchises and creates something brand new. It’s like a mix of a spy thriller and a superhero show. The high-fi tech details of the show are something directly out of a Bond movie, while the outfits and action sequences are very much like an MCU film.

The action is actually very good, with quick cuts and some close-quarters fighting along with some awesome chases and gunfights. Every episode of Citadel is almost like a video game, where the player has to complete a complicated mission with checkpoints and twists and turns as they go. The story itself is also quite interesting, with a lot of mystery and some unexpected plot twists.

The Runtime Of The Citadel TV Series Is Its Saving Grace

Citadel season finale lovers.

Image via Prime Video.

Despite all of this, Citadel on Prime still has some issues. Overall, some of the dialogues, and story elements require a bigger suspension of disbelief than usual. There are some lines that feel very cheesy and hammy. Some of the plot points are a little iffy and raise more questions than answers. But the saving grace comes in the form of its very impressive run-time.

With only a 6-episode season, every episode of Citadel is roughly around 40 minutes, which is really what makes the show so engaging. The lean episode run time makes every scene pivotal and the pacing is incredibly tight and effective. Even if something doesn’t work, the story moves at breakneck speeds, forcing audiences to get over any criticism quite quickly. It also makes the series incredibly binge-able.

Citadel Season Finale Sets Up A Lot More To Come

Citadel season finale priyanka.

Image via Prime Video.

Citadel also works because of its overall viewing experience. Despite some issues with story and execution, it’s a very fun show with some incredible performances. While the story is from the point of view of Madden’s Kyle/Mason, the real star of the show is Chopra-Jonas’ Nadia. As Madden does a great job go being the chisel-jawed amnesiac, with a perpetual neutral expression, and some strong moments during flashbacks, Chopra steals the show!

The Citadel season finale pays off a lot of plot points set up during the series. But what’s incredible is how good Chopra-Jonas is here. The story gives her a range of emotions to play with. Everything from sexy and capable super spy, to a betrayed and broken woman with nothing left to lose. The range she shows is pretty amazing. Not to mention the action sequences really showcase her ability to kick butt. And seeing how it’s a Russo Brothers’ production, the action sequences are actually done very well.

A Fun An Entertaining Series That’s Worth The Watch

Citadel season finale kyle

Image via Prime Video.

Ultimately, Citadel is not going to be the polished and perfect spy franchise with tight storytelling and flawless executions. So far, at least. But it’s still highly enjoyable seeing good-looking stars kicking butt and taking names. And in the case of Chopra-Jonas, even flexing some acting chops to showcase emotional vulnerability along with physical strength. The action and storytelling are dizzyingly intriguing. The twists and turns will keep audiences guessing at every turn. And at the end of the day, it’s a 6 episode series that is insanely binge-able!

Check out Citadel on Prime Video today!

What did you think of the Citadel season finale and the series overall? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter at @theshahshahid.

Citadel Season Finale Wraps Up A Great New Spy Thriller Series
  • Acting - 7.5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 7/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 8.5/10
  • Setting/Theme - 8.5/10
  • Watchability - 10/10
  • Rewatchability - 8/10
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