Movie Reviews

Quicksand Movie Review: Quagmire of Disappointment

Andres Beltran‘s new film Quicksand movie aims to take viewers on a journey through the treacherous rainforests of Colombia. The film centers around a married couple on the brink of divorce who find themselves entangled in a life-or-death situation when they become trapped in quicksand. As they grapple with the unforgiving forces of nature, their survival becomes dependent on their ability to reconcile their differences and work together. Quicksand is a film that explores themes of love, resilience, and the complexities of human relationships.

The Good:

One of the brightest spots in Quicksand comes from the two lead performances from the actors who portray the couple-in-peril, Carolina Gaitan and Sebastian Eslava. The two have wonderful chemistry on-screen that feels palpable and real. During the scenes in which they’re stuck in the titular quicksand when they begin to panic, it all feels genuine and you can tell that they’re panicked.

Quicksand Movie

Not only are they worried about what they’re going to do imminently, but they’re also upset because they may never have a chance to see each other again. They didn’t imagine their last moments on Earth together to be while they were stuck in quicksand that’s slowly pulling them under second-by-second.

To be completely honest, without these two lead performances, this film would be significantly worse. Sure, the cinematography on display is quite solid and the editing is smooth and fluid but the film isn’t usually all that tense or suspenseful. It’s a thriller with not a lot of bite.

The Bad:

One of the film’s faults lies in its exploration of the characters’ emotional journey. The couple’s troubled relationship is never really given depth and nuance. With that being said, however, their transformation from a couple on the verge of divorce to a team fighting for survival is both believable and engaging. The performances by the lead actors are commendable, as they bring raw emotion and authenticity to their roles.

But perhaps the film’s biggest flaw is its direction. Beltran’s direction is uninspired and lacks creativity. The film’s use of slow-motion shots, which are meant to create tension, only serves to extend the already tedious scenes. The film’s lighting is also unimpressive, with no real attention paid to creating atmosphere or mood.

Unfortunately, as Quicksand progresses, it becomes evident that the plot lacks cohesion and struggles to maintain focus. The film introduces a myriad of characters, each with their own motives and secrets, but fails to give them sufficient development. Secondary characters appear and disappear without making a meaningful impact on the story, leaving the audience feeling disconnected from the narrative. In some instances, the film seems to abandon certain plot threads, leaving unanswered questions that frustrate rather than intrigue.

The pacing of Quicksand further compounds its narrative issues. At times, the film drags its feet, meandering through unnecessary subplots that add little to the central story. Conversely, the climax feels rushed and unsatisfying, failing to deliver the emotional payoff audiences expect from a crime drama of this caliber. Beltran’s direction often lacks the finesse needed to maintain tension and engagement, resulting in a film that feels disjointed and unfocused.


If you’re like me and you find yourself loving movies in which someone is stuck in a life-or-death situation and must do whatever it takes to escape from their predicament and find freedom, you’re much better off watching something like Buried or 127 Hours. In the mood for horror? Go with one of my personal favorites, 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Quicksand is a visually alluring yet narratively unsatisfying film. While it attempts to explore complex psychological themes, it ultimately gets lost in its own artistic ambitions and fails to deliver a coherent and emotionally resonant story. Lacking in character development, sometimes disappointingly boring, and struggling with pacing issues, the film ultimately leaves the audience feeling unfulfilled. While there are moments of potential brilliance scattered throughout, they are not enough to salvage the film as a whole. As the credits roll, one can’t help but feel like they’ve been left sinking in the quicksand of missed opportunities and unfulfilled promises.

  • Acting - 8/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 6.5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 4/10
  • Setting/Theme - 6.5/10
  • Watchability - 5/10
  • Rewatchability - 3/10
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