Movie Reviews
Baghead (2024).

Baghead Review: A Frustrating Talk to Me-esque Horror

Last year, audiences were absolutely blessed with the release of Danny and Michael Philippou‘s excellent and genuinely creepy horror film Talk to Me, which thrust viewers into a truly dark and unforgiving experience. It’s a film that is still being talked about in the horror community because of how impressive it was. Who would’ve thought that these two guys would go from being YouTubers to Hollywood movie directors? It’s one of the rare horror films that it seemed as if even non-horror buffs went out of their way to see and for good reason.

Unfortunately, we are already seeing movies that are taking a bit too much inspiration from Talk to Me, and one of those movies is Alberto Corredor‘s Baghead, which essentially just comes across as the aforementioned horror film but significantly worse in every single way. It borrows so many of the same elements of that film but waters each and every single one of them down, ensuring a dreary and dull viewing experience that won’t leave you feeling cold and disturbed the way that it wants you to.

The film opens strongly, with Iris arriving in Berlin and immediately thrown into a world she barely understands. Freya Allan’s portrayal of Iris provides a solid foundation for the story. Her confusion, fear, and determination come across vividly, making her journey into the pub’s dark secrets compelling. Jeremy Irvine‘s Neil and Ruby Barker‘s Katie are functional, if somewhat predictable, additions to the narrative, fulfilling their roles but never quite escaping the shadow of cliché.

As the narrative progresses, Baghead unfortunately devolves into a predictable pattern of jump scares and horror tropes that have been seen countless times before. While there’s a certain comfort in familiar horror beats, the film’s execution of these moments often feels lacking in originality and intensity. This is most evident in the film’s treatment of its central antagonist, Baghead, portrayed by Anne Müller. The concept of a shape-shifting creature that can take the form of the deceased is inherently terrifying, yet the film’s execution of this creature leaves much to be desired. Despite Müller’s commendable performance, the creature’s appearance and actions are often more confusing than scary, and its motivations remain muddled throughout.

One of the film’s biggest letdowns is its underuse of the setting. The idea of a centuries-old pub in Berlin harboring unspeakable evil is intriguing. There were ample opportunities to explore this setting in a way that enhanced the horror. Instead, the pub feels underdeveloped and underutilized, with most scenes failing to convey a sense of history or dread. The setting could have added a layer of atmospheric horror that the film sorely needed.

The cinematography and visual effects in Baghead are, at times, noteworthy. There are moments of genuine aesthetic beauty that capture the bleakness and isolation of Iris’s situation. However, these moments are too few and far between. A general sense of visual blandness often overshadows them and does little to elevate the film’s horror elements.

The script, co-written by Bryce McGuire and Christina Pamies, is another aspect where Baghead fails. Dialogue often feels stilted and unnatural. The narrative suffers from pacing issues, rushing through key moments that could have benefited from more development. The backstory of the entity is interesting, but the film fails to delve deep into this lore. It leaves audiences with more questions than answers.


Baghead struggles to stand out in the crowded field of horror cinema. The film’s lack of theme exploration, underdeveloped characters, and reliance on horror clichés make it forgettable. The film briefly hints at its potential but fails to leave a lasting impression.

Baghead is a film that could have been a unique and scary addition to the horror genre. However, it falls short due to its scattered focus and obvious inspirations from Talk to Me. While it’s not without its merits, it’s not enough to salvage the film from its overall mediocrity. Fans of the genre may find some aspects to enjoy. But, for those seeking a truly scary horror experience, Baghead may leave you wanting more.

  • Acting - 6.5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 3/10
  • Setting/Theme - 3/10
  • Watchability - 4.5/10
  • Rewatchability - 2/10
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