I have an odd fascination with the concept of an American President taking on the undead with an axe. It gets downright inspiring when the head of state in reference is Mr. Abraham Lincoln, one of my favorite historical presidents. ...
Machete was a fun movie. A reaaaal fun movie. Robert Rodriguez fans have been wondering since the release of the original, and the announcement of the completion of a script for the sequel, when he would find time in his ...
You know I’ve never seen Richard and Mary Parker outside of the comic books. I’ve seen most of the cartoon series, all of the movies, and cannot think of a single appearance of these characters outside of the comics. It’s ...
Did you guys see that new TV spot for the 3D re-releases of Star Wars that aired during the Superbowl? I didn’t. But thanks to the power of the internetz we can all use youtube as our personal DVR’s and ...
There were quite a few entertaining commercials and ads during the Superbowl yesterday, (GIANTS!), and today we have an opportunity to re-visit some of those ads including a good look at the upcoming film ‘Battleship’. Just in case you were ...
These pictures are not for the feint of heart. In fact, you may not want to look at these at all without being marred for life. A lot of new photo’s and promo images have been released for the Expendables ...
Most of our regular readers know how I feel about ‘The Hunger Games’ and it’s marketing thus far. For those who don’t I feel that the promotion has been pretty lackluster and didn’t highlight why non-readers of the novels should ...
Yeah, I knew about the Global Twitter chat that took place for “The Avengers”. I didn’t participate because I had a strong feeling that it would be overwhelmed with geek girls fawning over Tom Hiddleston. I just don’t understand why ...
So far I’m on the fence with Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest film entitled ‘The Dictator’. Some of what I have seen has managed to make me laugh but the trailer was a little “hit or miss” with me with too ...