Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

New Ghost Protocol poster

There’s a new theater poster for the upcoming Mission Impossible movie that isn’t just Tom Cruise’s floating head! This time there are other heads included, as well as some shoulders and torso’s, Come look! Via: Forces of Geek I like ...

Look at the Three Stooges

Once upon a time a story was released that the Farrelly brothers were intending to make a movie about the three stooges and managed to secure Jim Carrey, Benicio Del Toro, and Sean Penn and pretty much set the internet ...

Thankfully Beverly Hills Cop 4 is DEAD

Earlier in the year Eddie Murphy had made it known that he was interested in resurrecting the Beverly Hills Cop film franchise and bring back Axel Foley, one of his most successful characters, back into the limelight. A lot of ...

Peter Jackson WILL direct Tin Tin 2

I remembered that Peter Jackson was penciled in to direct one of the entries in the proposed Tin Tin trilogy and today we have something more concrete re-affirming that fact from Steven Spielberg. Source: Empire Online “Sony and Paramount were ...

‘Ender’s Game’ set for March 2013

Gavin Hood has been working hard behind the scenes to get an adaptation of Enders Game in motion for a while. There wasn’t much word on his progress with the project but today Summit Entertainment released a list of release ...

Ben Affleck directing The Stand?

Last time I heard anything about the Last Stand there were discussions with David Yates to direct multiple movies to help tell Stephen King’s story, but those plans have apparently been scrapped and instead replaced with Ben Affleck. Seriously. Source: ...