Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

Ash will NOT be in Evil Dead remake

Something completely unexpected is planned. Some of us cannot divorce Ash from the Evil Dead franchise but that’s exactly what the good folks behind the film have in mind. Seriously, Bruce Campbell himself revealed via his twitter the direction that ...

Trailer: The Rum Diaries

I’ve been curious about Johnny Depp’s “The Rum Diaries” for a while. I’m a fan of his work and like to keep an eye out for projects that he’s either really passionate about, or involves Tim Burton. This one is ...

Tower Heist trailer and TV spot

I finally caved and watched the trailer and TV spot for the upcoming Brett Ratner movie “Tower Heist”. I’d been pretty apprehensive because of Ratner’s hit or miss record with me and Eddie Murphy. I watched it and I laughed. ...

Arrested Development next summer?

Ya know, I’ve never seen a single episode of Arrested Development. It came out during my college days so most of everything during that period was a blur, and I never watched TV. So, as such I don’t share the ...

Avengers media Overload

While reading one of my posts here on the site, (I do that!), I noticed one of these ad link thingies had a photo of Jeremy Renner in full Hawkeye garb and some more set photo’s that I hadn’t seen ...

Ghostbusters returning to theaters

Ghostbusters is a film of nerd legend. Fans across the internetz have been demanding a 3rd entry in the franchise, and possibly sending threats to Bill Murray, for years and will now have an opportunity to re-visit and remember why ...

Jackson and McRaney join Django Unchained

It’s been a little while since our last update regarding Quentin Tarantino’s next project, but we’re finding out that Sam Jackson has officially signed on to join the production and will be joined by Major Dad star Gerald McRaney. Source: ...