Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

A bunch of First Class footage

Have you been getting the feeling that the once shrouded in secrecy X-Men First Class has a lot details out in the open, and is showcasing a lot of footage held dear to ticket purchasers? This is NOT the post ...

Ryan Reynolds will be a Boy named Sue

Ryan Reynolds is a very busy guy. In between filming movies he attends movie premieres and conventions for movies he’s filmed and signing dotted lines to appear in more movies, so today’s news that he has another project in the ...

Jean Reno joins “I, Alex Cross”

Jean Reno is someone I haven’t seen in the spotlight in quite a while. Kinda miss his presence in good psychological thrillers as he’s pretty reliable for home run performances. Today we find out that he will be making an ...

Watch the Real Steel trailer

Real Steel is Hugh Jackman’s next potential film franchise, with pre-approved sequels, that’s been in production for a little bit and today we finally get a look at a trailer for the upcoming Disney flick. Let’s see what these guys ...

Al Pacino joins Gotti

I have issues with this upcoming movie. On paper this movie should be quite memorable as the team working on this movie has assembled a pretty interesting cast of former hot commodities, with news spreading that Al Pacino will be ...

Rumor: Keanu could be Kaneda in Akira

I was pleasantly surprised when I first found out that this project was actually entering production and I’m still apprehensive with today’s casting rumor making the rounds that the Keanu Dude might want in on this project. Source: AICN Now ...

Mystique’s First Class trailer

Did you enjoy those First Class trailers yesterday? Well, here’s another one focusing on the only changeling in the group and some of the obstacles she faces as a member of society. I like the tone of this movie and ...