Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

Mortal Kombat: Legacy Episode 3

The pace takes a shift in this weeks installment of Mortal Kombat Legacy as we delve into the world of flashing lights and cameras in order to finally meet the great Johnny Cage. I’ve said it before and I’ll say ...

The Hobbit needs another Fili

The production crew surrounding the Hobbit have had quite a story to tell for quite some time, and they’re also trying to film a movie too. The tale of creating the Hobbit is almost worthy of it’s own film with ...

Captain America last minute shooting

*SPOILER WARNING* This is extremely spoiler-ish for those who want to walk into the Captain America movie untainted by the internetz reporting of key scenes. Seriously, if you don’t want to ruin the ending of the movie then you should ...

Watch a scene from Dylan Dog

With Dylan Dog’s release date quickly approaching the marketing minds behind the movie are moving into overdrive, with MTV managing to snag a scene with one of the more eclectic aspects of Dylan Dog’s lifestyle. Movie Trailers – Movies Blog ...

Lindsay Lohan signs on for Gotti

Lindsay Lohan name drops has been a bit of a a frequent recurrence here on TMB in the past few weeks as she’s apparently has had quite a few projects offered to her in the midst of the staggering level ...

Marvel introduces Little Thor

Remember that Volkswagen Superbowl commercial that featured a mini Darth Vader trying to muster up the powers of the dark side of the force? Remember all the parodies that populated Youtube shortly thereafter? Marvel just got in on the action ...

Not 1, but 4 new Hangover 2 TV spots

I really really liked the Hangover. A lot. I’ve been very apprehensively enthused about the idea of a sequel and have had little change of heart when they finally decided to debut the teaser and proper trailer. Today, we get ...

Green Lantern TV spot features Parallax

Now that some of us on the net have begun to show better signs of enthusiasm regarding the upcoming Green Lantern movie, the fine folks at Warner Brothers have been making an effort to capitalize on the revitalized emerald wave ...