I’m shocked that it’s taken this long for this casting news to make the rounds but today we are learning that Kate Beckinsale has been offered a lead role opposite Colin Farrell in the film. Source: Deadline I’m told she’s ...
Last time we checked in on Ben Affleck he was mulling over the decision between working opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in the great Gatsby or continuing his directing career with Argo. If you’re reading this based off the headline then you ...
Batman Year One. Just those words can evoke all types of emotions from a true fan of either Frank Miller or Batman. There’s a lot of interest in exploring the latter years of Batman’s career in animated form that it’s ...
I usually avoid over indulging you guys to some of the X-Men stuff as I believe most of us just want to finally see the movie. There’s a new trailer making the rounds on the web that actually show some ...
Some of us hang on every word spoken by those behind the scenes of our favorite Marvel movies, and read into every animated release as a testing ground for feature films. One character, besides Ant-Man, that has been repeatedly mentioned ...
And we’re back! Okay folks, for those who are just now tuning in you’re watching our regular installment of “Chris Nolan presents: The Dark Knight Rises: The Guessing game”. You, dear friend, will be today’s contestant and the category chosen ...
GET OVER HERE! SIT DOWN! WATCH THIS EPISODE!!! Wanna find out what’s next for Sonya, Jax, and Kano? ‘Mortal Kombat: Legacy’ Episode 2 is up for your, any my, viewing pleasure. THAT’S HOW KANO’S EYE GOT F’D UP!?! REALLY!? A ...
The Hunger Games are a big deal. A really big deal. Teenagers fighting to the death for their very survival on a daily basis and then buying movie tickets and watching movies like these. Good times. Source: Variety Elizabeth Banks ...
OZ! OZZY!!! The OZZMEISTER!!! no? sorry. Well, ahem, We just learned that Chris Klein will be joining central cast member Alyson Hannigan and others to participate in the American Reunion. Source: Latino Review People Magazine has reported actor Chris Klein ...
I was browsing through Yahoo movies to try to fill the void of a slow news day when I noticed that the cast photo’s for the L.A. Premiere of ‘Rio’ were posted online. Regular stuff, right? Then I saw a ...
The Lone Ranger has been one of those movies that’s been sitting on the ‘radar’ mainly out for posterity as I really don’t remember ever watching the show in my youth. Either way the idea of a good western is ...
Are you ready for your weekly dose of casting news surrounding Chris Nolan’s the Dark Knight Rises? Good. The latest fun bit of casting news is that Richard AlpertNestor Carbonell will be returning as Gotham’s Mayor. Source: Filmofilia According to ...