Source: No movie star’s wardrobe is complete without a timeless piece of accessory: a wristwatch. We love the styling just as much as we love the film itself. You’ll know that the costume department has done a stellar job ...
There is nothing better than settling down in front of the television and getting stuck into a good series, but it is also important to have other pastimes, so that you have variety in your life and have a few ...
There are over 165 million Netflix subscribers worldwide, making it the biggest streaming platform. You, like me, are probably one of the many people who make up that colossal figure. You, like me, are probably spending many more hours each ...
Do you like all-time lists? They are a lot of fun, especially when it is about something you are really passionate about. Some things are difficult to get passionate about. Getting angry about the best brand of pickles is a ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has produced some of the most incredible films of the past couple of decades; some would argue they are some of the best of all time. What makes these films even more intriguing, however, is how ...
Do you have to write a movie review for a school project but find yourself staring at a blank page? If so, you’re in the right place. Simply put, writing a film review involves expressing your opinion about a film. ...
Are we not all lucky to have gone to school during the information age? In contrast to the education model around the turn of the 20th century, learners arguably have it better in school. For us to comprehensively look at ...
Over the years, animated explainer videos have become one of the most effective and powerful forms of visual communication. Businesses and customers absolutely love this sort of communication. Colorful artworks, animated characters, limitless imagination backed by great sound, music, and ...
The third installment of the Jurassic World movie series will be called “Jurassic World: Dominion”, and is expected to hit the theaters on year from now, in June 2021. The expectations about the movie are high as ever, following the ...
Image Source: Walt Disney Co. had a profit dive of 90 percent in the second quarter of 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic shutting down movie production, theme parks and stores across the country. Unfortunately, with the COVID-19 situation still uncertain and ...
The Star Wars fandom has been split ever since the Last Jedi released into the theaters. According to many fans, the movie missed the mark by a long shot. Even though the two stand-alone movies of the series, Rogue One, ...
Does life even get any better than having a dog for a best friend? Not only do dogs fill our real-life days with love and joy, but they’ve also made more than just a couple of star appearances in some ...