One of the wonderful things about independent documentaries is that they often lead the viewer to unexpected places, through unusual experiences and to surprising conclusions. Some 64% of documentary professionals feel that we are currently enjoying a ‘golden era’ for ...
Some of the most iconic film scenes in history have taken place in some of the most innocuous of locations – including the bathroom. You may not realise it, but we guarantee you’ll be surprised. To prove that fact, here ...
Consider Salma Hayek, the Mexican-born actress who has appeared in numerous films. Her characters often typify the widespread perception of the Latina female. Raven-haired. Hourglass figure. Fiery. Sensual. Provocative. Quick-tempered. Passionate. But the diverse range of individuals portrayed by Hayek ...
Wonder Woman is the latest DC Comics character to star in their own movie. The character is portrayed by Gal Gadot and she made her debut in the 2016 movie Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice. The movie is expected ...
How to Prepare for Comic Con: It’s that time of year again! We’re just days away from The Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con! The convention is descending on the city of Las Vegas and the excitement is starting to set in. ...
The 3 Best Golfing Films Unlike the likes of boxing (how many times have we seen the rise of an unlikely, plucky, underdog?!) golf films have failed to reach the heights of their many sporting counterparts. That doesn’t mean that ...
If there’s one thing we knew for sure when we were younger, it’s that your bedroom is your sanctuary. It’s a place to escape, sure, but more importantly it’s a space of your own that you can shape to match ...
Casinos have always been associated with secret agents and detectives. Thus, it is no wonder to see many of the James Bond movies are well known for their Casino scenes. The action-packed movies never cease to impress and entertain. And, ...
It’s safe to say that few box office calendars have offered up as many fabulous films to see as 2017 has! From brand new blockbusters to those that carry on a legacy of films before them, this year will see ...
When bringing a story to life on camera, the location is one of the most important factors to ensuring your film is not only impactful but, also, interesting visually. In most cases, you will have a script that comprises both ...
If you once had a large poster of Jon Bon Jovi or Courtney Love stuck on your bedroom wall, there’s a huge chance we would have a lot to talk about. The era of 90’s grunge rock ushered charismatic artistes ...
Want to turn watching a movie at home into a real event? Check out these room design tips for transforming an everyday space into a moving picture palace! When you watch a film you need to feel totally absorbed in ...