Wolverine Set Pictures

Wow, you know it must be a slow news day (Oscar Nominations aside) for us to post these pictures which basically show us a whole lot of nothing. However, they’re set pics from Wolverine, so it’s at least modestly interesting. ...

2008 Oscar Nominations

The 2008 Oscar Nominations were announced this morning. Here is your list of nominees. My pics are noted with an “*” BEST MOTION PICTURE OF THE YEAR Atonement *Juno Michael Clayton No Country for Old Men There Will Be Blood ...

2008 Razzie Nominations

It’s Razzie Time! The 2008 Razzies have released their list of nominees for this year’s awards. The Razzies are handed out each year on the day before the Oscars are announced. The awards “honor” the WORST films of the year. ...