Words Of Wisdom

“Our hope is that all of the players involved will lock themselves in a room and not come out until they finish. We want this to be done.” — George Clooney, on the Hollywood writers strike.

Bioshock Movie

Video game movies suck yes? Yes. Why do they suck? Because games are not based on narrative, they are based on player interaction gameplay, and that’s the way it should be. That’s why games are fun, and why they don’t ...

Paul Bettany Joins The Secret Life of Bees

The movie was a neat idea that turned out pretty horrible, but 1 character, Geoffrey Chaucer (played by Paul Bettany ) stood out to me, and Bettany's performance salvaged a bit of enjoyment for me. Next, I caught him in "A Beautiful Mind" with Russell Crowe (Best actor alive today), and when you can stand out when performing next to him (even Al Pacino got over shadowed by Crowe in "The Insider"), you know you've got talent.

Bleeding Batman Picture

I came across this new picture of Batman from a magazine cover. It’s clearly just another average non-descript headshot of the Dark Knight and nothing really to write home about, except for the little nose bleed. I don’t know why, ...