Leatherheads Trailer

I’ve been curious about Leatherheads since I first heard word about it earlier this year. I’ll give anything with George Clooney the benefit of the doubt (even though he’s had a couple of real stinkers), and with his massive popularity ...

Wall-E Trailer

You’ll have to forgive my excitement for the new Wall-E trailer. As many of you know, it’s my opinion that Pixar is not only the best animation studio in the business today… but also the best movie studio period. No ...

Sweeney Todd Review

(Sorry for no video version of this review, but I’m currently visiting out in LA) On this recent trip to LA, I was fortunate enough to have the studio invite me to a screening of Sweeney Todd with some of ...

I Am Legend Review

(Sorry for no video version of the review, but I’m currently visiting in Los Angeles) “Aww Hell Naww” are probably the words that will be inscribed on Will Smith’s grave. It’s not only a popular line, but also one that ...

The Kite Runner Review

(Sorry for no video version of the review, but I’m currently visiting in Los Angeles) I didn’t know much about “The Kite Runner” until a while ago we heard the story about how the films producers wanted to get the ...

The Eye Poster

“Sydney Wells (The newly pregnant JESSICA ALBA) is an accomplished, independent, Los Angeles-based concert violinist. She is also blind, and has been so since a childhood tragedy. As our story opens, Sydney undergoes a double corneal transplant, a surgery she ...