EverQuest Movie

Looks like there is an EverQuest movie on the horizon. For those of you who may not know, EverQuest was the first true breakout smash hit Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) before the days of World of Warcraft. ...

Crank 2 Info

Ok, as some of you may remember, WAY back in April we had Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor on the Uncut LIVE show (which is on tonight by the way at 6pm EST), where they revealed for the first time ...

Sweeney Todd Trailer

Well here is comes. The Sweeney Todd trailer is up and on the web. It’s no secret that I don’t particularly like Tim Burton’s movies. I think he’s the most over rated director out there. Please note, I’m not saying ...

G.I. Joe Movie Details

The upcoming G.I. Joe moive has already been met with a lot of excitement and controversy. Excitement because… well… because it’s G.I. Joe. Controversy, because Joe is no longer an “American” team, but rather an international organization bannded together to ...