Scream 4

You knew it was only a matter of time, and it looks like the time is approaching. The Weinsteins have confirmed that they fully intend on making Scream 4. The folks over at JoBlo share the following: They continue: “The ...

27 Dresses Trailer

Romantic comedies are kinda like jujubes. They’re really not all that good, they’re bad for you… but given the right moment you can actually enjoy them a lot. Katherine Heigl (Knocked Up) has a new one coming out called 27 ...

McG May Direct Terminator 4

Forced optimism. That’s what I’ve chosen to have regarding Terminator 4. Deep down do I really think it could be any good? No, not really… but there is the chance, and really… there isn’t anything compelling to suggest that Terminator ...