Webmasters Night Out!

Hey guys. Just thought I’d share this with you. Since I live like 40 minutes from Toronto, and the Toronto International Film Festival is going on right now… and since that means a bunch of movie website people that i ...

Iron Man Trailer

Here it is folks. The first Iron Man Trailer. it’s mostly footage from the Comic Con stuff… but not quite as cool. Just trust me folks… the context the Comic Con footage put it all is made it all look ...

Blame Canada!

It seems that the industry is so desperate to find a scapegoat for all their problems, that they really don’t care about common sense… and that scapegoat is Canada. Remember a little while ago Warner Bros and the MPAA made ...

New John Rambo Trailer

What is the plot, the story… nay… what is the essence of the new John Rambo film? Well… if the first two “trailers” are any indication… it’s irrelevant. All the studio thinks you need to know is… Rambo kills lots ...