Dune Movie Remake

As great and wonderful and awe inspiring DUNE the book was… the movie adaptation equalled it in the opposite characteristics of lameness. David Lynch’s 1984 version of Dune was probably one of the worst Sci-Fi films I’ve ever seen. About ...

Dogs Fighting Piracy

Isn’t it always the way. In the age of ever advancing and updating technology, it’s usually the old tried and true low tech answers that bring about the best results. The MPAA’s newest weapon in the fight against movie piracy ...

The Mist Trailer

The Mist trailer has hit the web. Stephen King’s newest with amazing writer/director Frank Darabont looks pretty damn intense. I’m not actually a HUGE fan of the story, but with Darabont directing, I’ll certainly give it the benefit of the ...

The Descent 2

The Descent is, in my opinion, the best horror movie in the last 10 years… easily… no contest. A film that not only scares the freaking hell out of you, but also manages to have fantastic characters, solid subplots and ...