2007 Annie Awards

The 2007 Annie Awards were handed out the other night and I was pretty pleased to see that Pixar’s “Cars” won for best film. I’m not really sure where all the criticism comes from for that movie. I just loved ...

New Hot Fuzz Poster

There is a new Hot Fuzz Poster floating around the web today. It’s pretty much the same as the other one, except this one has lots of “splosions” going off in the background. Personally I think I prefer the old ...

Mr. Brooks Trailer

Wow. Wow wow wow! I just watched the trailer that is making feel like I never thought I would feel again… dying to see a Kevin Costner movie. I just watched the Mr. Brooks trailer and holy damn skippy crap ...

Metal Gear Solid Movie

The very popular Metal Gear Solid video game looks to be getting the movie treatment. Yahoo! Entertainment says: The studio plans to turn the PlayStation game series from Konami Digital Entertainment into a character-driven futuristic spy thriller. The game centers ...