DV Guru

I’ve been involved in digital video for about 8 years now. Yup, it was that long ago that I produced my first little piece on the old Amiga Video Toaster (a product still around today now owned by NewTek) with ...

Hot Fuzz Trailer

The new Hot Fuzz trailer has hit the web, and damn it’s slick. The movie comes to us from the amazing team that brought us the massively underrated and under viewed “Shaun Of The Dead“. Director Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, ...

Punisher Vs Jigsaw!

For those of you who love cross genre movies to the like of Freddy Vs Jason or Aliens Vs Predator, we take Marvel comic’s badass vigilantee with a penchant for firearms and we pit him agaist JIGSAW!!! MovieHole quoted Jonathan ...

James Bond Gay?

A gay James Bond? Naw… I don’t think it would work. Apparently Daniel Craig (My new pick for the best James Bond ever) has been suggesting that perhaps some gay characters and some full frontal male nudity should be in ...

He-Man Dead

Oh He-Man, what might have been. The newest incarnation of the He-Man movie is now officially dead. Mattel, the toy company that obviously owns the rights to He-Man, licensed the film rights to Fox2000 who in turn have been working ...