Audio Edition – May 17th 2006

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=21965528 AudioDescription=Welcome to The Audio Edition! Lots of Transformers and Da Vinci Code talk today. Here's a run down of our discussion: 1) Davinci Code vunerable to Over The Hedge 2) Da Vinci Code getting blasted by critics 3) Fake "controversy" over Da Vinci 4) Why we talk about Box Office numnbers 5) Transformers Script Review 6) More Transformers geek talk 7) How stupid VW is for not granting licence to Tranformers to use Bumbblebee again 8) Used Guys getting axed (SAD DAY!!!) 9) Bryan Singer passing on Logan's Run to do another Superman film 10) Jet Li and Jackie Chan together at last 11) John's quest to have a beer with Kevin Rose All this and a few things more. AudioExplicit=yes AudioDuration=00:48:54

Major X3 Spoilers

Seems like it’s “Spoiler Day” at The Movie Blog. Larry sent me a link to a fantastic interview with Patrick Stewart regarding X-Men 3. Patrick had just seen the final film the night before and then sat down for an ...

Iron Man Is On MySpace

Jon Favreau has posted up a MySpace profile for Tony Starks and the Iron Man movie in general. It’s amazing to see these only social networking sites really becoming main avenues for movie marketing. Musicians have been doing it for ...