No Toy Story 3!!!

Yay!!!! It looks like the Pixar take over of Disney is already producing fantastic results! Now you might be thinking “But wait… I thought Disney bought Pixar”??? They did… but with Steve Jobs now the single largest shareholder, and John ...

Jurassic Park 4 On Hold

For those of you who have been anxiously awaiting Jurassic Park 4 (are there actually any of you out there?), the following news will cause a little bit of disappointment. According to Producer Frank Marshall (who works a lot with ...

Audio Edition – January 25th 2006

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=16465528 AudioDescription=Today on The Audio Edition Doug and I talk about the sad passing of Christopher Penn (May Best of the Best live forever!), the hilarious and oh so WRONG DVD of The Aristocrats, the latest Magnum PI movie news (the moustache must stay!), the title of the new X-Men flick, Steve Carell talking about the sequel to Bruce Almighty (Evan Almighty), what it takes to be called a "trilogy" and a few things more. AudioExplicit=yes AudioDuration=00:35:44

Chris Penn Dies

Actor Chris Penn has passed away at the age of 43. Sad day. My favorite Chris Penn role (and this will surprise a lot of you) was NOT Reservoir Dogs (although I loved that film), but rather an under the ...

X-Men: The Last Stand

Looks like X-Men 3 has been given it’s official release title. X-Men: The Last Stand. Now, as far as names go that’s not too bad. But it’s almost a little anti-climactic. I mean, is this REALLY the X-Men’s last stand? ...

The Movie Blog Reunion

Tonight a momentous event occurs. For the first time in the history of the universe, there will be a Movie Blog reunion. Well.. I guess it’s not really a “reunion” per se.. because we’ve never actually met before. You see… ...

Audio Edition – January 23rd 2006

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=19465528 AudioDescription=Hey! The Audio Edition got nominated for Podcast of the Year at The Bloggies! Whheeeeeee. Today on the Monday round table, Doug, Darren and I talk about the Bloggies and being nominated with the likes of TWIT, the problems with studios making too many films and how to solve those problems. What's more important in making a film... the Business of film or the Art of film? We talk about the success being enjoyed by Underworld 2, Disney buying Pixar and even throw in a little Battlestar Galactica for good measure. AudioExplicit=yes AudioDuration=00:45:44