Golden Globe Results 2006

Well… the results are in for the 2006 Golden Globe Awards. Here are the results. Commentary to follow tomorrow. (YOU CAN READ JOHN’S POST AWARDS ARTICLE “WAS THERE A POLITICAL AGENDA AT THE GOLDEN GLOBES” HERE) BEST MOTION PICTURE – ...

Audio Edition – January 16th 2006

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=20465528 AudioDescription=Today on the Round Table installment of The Audio Edition Doug, Darren and I discuss a new proposed pay/profit sharing structure the film studios are looking at that the actors aren't thrilled with but that I think is a wonderful idea. We also take some time to look mention some interesting films listed in Ebert and Roper's 2005 worst films list, I take a few minutes to talk about the new James Franco film "Tristan and Isolde" and Doug gives us all a lesson in the mystical Porn Druids, but leave dirty magazines in the forests for young boys to find for generations. All this and a few things more. AudioExplicit=yes AudioDuration=00:25:44

Audio Edition – January 13th 2006

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=14465528 AudioDescription=Welcome again to The Audio Edition. Today Doug and I discuss the whole idea of Honorary Oscars. Are they a good idea or a bad one? We also tackle the issue of what makes a star "Bankable" or not. New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie in 2007 and a couple of things more. AudioExplicit=yes AudioDuration=00:25:44

The Butterfly Effect 2

I really wasn’t impressed with The Butterfly Effect. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t the worst film in the history of cinema or anything like that.. but I found it slow, sluggish, forced and predictable all at the same time. ...

New Slither Pics

Slither looks like just a fun kinda campy movie that you’ll totally forget about in 3 days… but have fun while in the process of seeing it. Perfect kind of winter movie. Now, I am a fan of Nathan Fillion ...

Hoodwinked Reviews

The Hoodwinked reviews are now coming in… and they look as bad as the visual style does… although not as bad as i thought they’d be. Hoodwinked is a re-telling of little red ridding hood, obviously with a modern and ...

Glory Road Reviews

The Glory Road reviews are coming in… and they’re not as sparkling as the studio had hoped for. I’m a sucker for sports movies… especially underdog sports movies (aren’t they all?). I’ve also been evolving into a Josh Lucas fan. ...

Last Holiday Reviews

The Last Holiday reviews are now coming in. Queen Latifa has become something of a poster child for “Squandered Opportunity”. You see, following her Oscar nomination (when people were recognizing that this lady can actually act… it took her YEARS… ...