Superman’s Package

Maybe that’s why they call him SUPERman. This was just way too funny not to post. But apparently the studio execs are not very happy with an element of Bryan Singer’s new Superman film. Oh they aren’t worried about the ...

Canada and Film Piracy

Seems that my country, Canada, is becoming target #1 to the MPAA and those bodies fighting against movie piracy… and perhaps for good reason. A recent report is suggesting that almost almost 50% of illegal movies recorded in movie theaters ...

Audio Edition – December 9th 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=14665752 AudioDescription=Today on The Audio Edition Doug and I discuss Arnold Schwarzenegger's political woes and the fact that some California republicans want to replace him with another non-US born Hollywood star Mel Gibson, the movies that most use the "F" word, Guillermo del Toro saying he's giving priority to Hellboy 2 over Halo the movie, more commercials for us to sit through before movies actually begin, Charlize Theron as a possible Bond girl, the recent Pink Panther and Inside Man trailers and a few things more. AudioExplicit=yes AudioDuration=00:31:30

Audio Edition – December 7th 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=14665752 AudioDescription=Today on the Audio Edition Doug and I discuss the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe reviews as well as it's apparent massive marketing success, the future career path of The Rock, Porn Companies for sale on ebay and how they are just a reflection of modern media, future "The Mummy" films, the new X-Men 3 trailer and a few things more! AudioExplicit=yes AudioDuration=00:33:30