Roadhouse 2 update

Miles Chapman, the writer of Roadhouse 2, has just emailed me with some on the set information from the movie. First off, I should say that although I wrote the original draft of the script, I had been told it ...

Richard reviews Freaked

Title=Freaked on DVD Score=7 Summary=A bizarre, absurd and funny movie. The DVD offering is packed with extras including an audio commentary and a full movie rehearsal, both very interesting to watch. The comedy is furious and off the wall, and a surprise to see from Alex Winter. Great performances from Randy Quaid and Keanu Reeves.

Terminator on TV

Yes you read that right, according to The Guardian there’s going to be a Terminator TV series based on Sarah and John Connor and placed between the second and third movies, it’s billed as – wait for it… …not be ...

More sex on US screens

Yes please is what I bet I’ll hear most of in response to this story…I know I would. Yet there seems to be a big problem in America, watching people gunned down in the streets, seeing charred bodies in the ...

How to write a screenplay

Over at Selling “No Place”, a blog of the trials of trying to sell an Indie Feature Film, Clive has started posting some interesting thoughts on how to write a screenplay that makes money. His first post amazingly entitled How ...

New Superman footage

There’s new footage from Superman over at the official site in the form of some video of a night crowd scene being filmed and some stills. Over at dTheatre they are warning that this might contain a spoiler, so be ...

Robocop remake?!

I can’t get over how every site that has this mentioned is complaining about remakes, about the movie industry remaking anything with even the vaguest possibility of dollar signs behind it, and yet the industry keeps going. This means that ...