Arnold in Terminator 4?

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 4? I know there have been whispers and rumours about it over the last few months… but nothing more than fanboy chatter in forums and the like. But now the first actual “source” is saying that ...

Domino Reviews

The only hope I had for Domino was the fact that Mickey Rourke was in it. After that… Keira Knightley looked hot… but so what? I can look at hot pictures of her online all day for free if I ...

Elizabethtown Reviews

Elizabethtown hasn’t looked all that good to me from the very first time I saw the initial trailer. Elizabethtown reviews are look about as dim as I expected them too. This is all a real shame… but I think Elizabethtown ...

Audio Edition – October 12th 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=600000 AudioDescription=Today Doug and I discuss news of True Lies 2 (and if the first one is the best Arnold movie of all time), new Serenity news and thoughts, Kristen Dunst perhaps being finished with Spider-Man, the Disney Marketing strategy with Narnia, Harry Potter, Rocky 6, and podcast wanna-bes taking pot shots at my mom. All this and a whole lot more. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:26:13

Audio Edition – October 10th 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=700000 AudioDescription=Today Doug and I are joined by the ledgendary Darren Conley. The engage in the topics of a review of Wallace and Gromit, the Luis Guzman fight with his director hoax, Uwe Boll and his Dungeon Siege "epic", a look at a very surprising week at the box office, ask the question if Al Pacino has lost his pull with the movie going general public and a few things more. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:31:00