Audio Edition – October 7th 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=6503424 AudioDescription=Today, Doug and I discuss the new films opening this weekend like Walace and Gromit, In Her Shoes, Waiting and Two For The Money. We take some time to talk about Serenity releasing the first 9 minutes online, and if this will become a trend for film marketing in the future. China making their own new DVD format, George Lucas not relaesing the ORIGINAL Star Wars trilogy on DVD and a few things more.. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:27:05

Audio Edition – October 6th 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=5531424 AudioDescription=Today on The Audio Edition Doug and I talk about the Microsoft "Single Play DVD" hoax that thankfully ended up being just that... a hoax. We also talk a lot about how studios can move to movie downloading for the public while still maintaining Coyright protection.. .and IF they should have copyright protection at all. Spider-Man 3 and the Venom costume and a couple of things more. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:23:02

Good X-Men 3 Set Pic

Can you tell I’m desperate for some GOOD X-Men 3 news? Everything about X-Men 3 looks like a disaster waiting to happen so far… which makes the baby Jesus cry. I LOVE the existing X-Men flicks… and the thought that ...

Audio Edition – October 5th 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=8064873 AudioDescription=On today's show we quickly review Serenity and A History Of Violence. Also, I chat with professional blogger Sam Sugar who has done a lot of research into the new DVD format battle. The conversaiton is actually a little scary and very informative. You really MUST listen to it. We also touch on the new films opening this weekend that we're looking forward to. All this and a few things more. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:35:13

Audio Edition – October 4th 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=7065024 AudioDescription=Today Doug and I tackle some HUGE news coming out of Bungie. It seems Peter Jackson has signed on as one of the executive producers for the Halo movie (which doens't really mean anything), and even BIGGER news that WETA is on board to do the visual effects (that IS big news). We also look at the top animated films of all time, news about Indiana Jones 4, the new Harry Potter film and a few things more. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:29:30