Audio Edition – October 3rd 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=5601600 AudioDescription=Today, due to technical difficulties I'm flying solo. Yes that's right... the very first Audio Edition in history that Doug Nagy is not a part of. Today I cover topic such as the idea being floated by Microsoft of a Single Play Dvd (how stupid), the format wars being waged between the Blue-Ray and HD-DVD camps (how stupid); Kevin Smith getting dropped from the new Fletch film (also stupid) and the rumours going around of the exitance of an early X-Men 3 teaser trailer. All this and a few things more. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:23:20

Anne Hathaway Nude

About a year ago I posted about an Anne Hathaway film called “Havoc” in which Anne appears in nude and in carious sex scenes including one or two with another girl. I commented that maybe she feels she needs a ...

Casanova Trailer

Casanova is one of those films that was bound to happen sooner or later in an original idea starved Hollywood. Now, the Casanova trailer has arrived. The cast is quite good. Heath Ledger, Sienna Miller, Jeremy Irons and Oliver Platt ...

Audio Edition – September 30 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=6618816 AudioDescription=Today the triumphant triunverant of myself, Doug and Wormwood celebrate our 50th show by discussing DVDs and commentary tracks, the joyous news of Punisher 2, the continuing intergration of Video Games and Movies, Screen Actors Guild members getting charged with piracy and finally the possible future implications of the current battle going on between the Music industry and Steve Jobs of Apple on the movie industry. All this and a few things more. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:27:34