Rock speaks on Spy Hunter

Speaking of videogame adaptations with a one trick pony plot (see the previous article on Halo release date) there’s some news of Spy Hunter is coming from Rock himself. From MTV through Coming Soon: “‘Spy Hunter’ is going great,” The ...

Which actor for President?

After posting the link to Christopher Walken for President in Readers Lives #2 it got me thinking, which actor would I like to see as President…well since I’m Scottish it’s a bit unfair of me to choose, but jokingly, I ...

Richard reviews Serenity

Title=Serenity Score=9 Summary=Sharp, clever and quick dialogue between well written characters in a hugely entertaining movie with loads of action. Very true to the original series, yet a bit darker with more complexity to some of the characters.

Richard reviews Voices of Iraq

Title=Voices of Iraq Score=9 Summary=Strong, insightful documentary. Whatever your views on editing footage, the resulting film shows a strong, intelligent and understanding Iraqi people. A people who show the contradictions in the news we are receiving, and give a clear voice to why the fighting is still in Iraq. A voice that should really be heard. Hard hitting, funny, thoughtful and emotional. A superb documentary.

Richard reviews 36 Quai des Orfèvres at the EIFF

Title=36 Quai des Orfèvres Score=8 Summary=Impressive cast with a fantastic performance from Depardieu. The cinematography and score are superbly combined and with the strong script makes for a really good movie, particularly the opening and the various raids. Let down in places by a poor plot device and some weak emotional scenes from Auteuil. Well worth watching.