Richard reviews Dark Water

Title=Dark Water Score=6 Summary=Good although if you've seen the original it's just not as good. Great performance from Connelly and good support. Excellent location and sets, but the second half just does everything too big for this slower paced horror\thriller. Not a great remake, but a good movie on it's own.

Richard reviews Fantastic Four

Title=Fantastic Four Score=7 Summary=Good light, entertainment. This is a popcorn movie and not something meaty or thoughtful. Well paced, good fun and funny. Chiklis, Evans and McMahon are great to watch. Although it's not a Batman or Spiderman, it's not as bad as it's made out.

The Hitcher is cast

Wow, I never heard any peeps on this one, but the oh-my-god-not-another-remake-of-a-classic-that-doesn’t-need-a-remake remake The Hitcher has cast its Hitcher and person in distress role. Julian McMahon has been cast in the Rutger Hauer role in the upcoming Michael Bay produced ...