November Trailer

I totally fell in love with Courteney Cox 11 years ago when she appeared in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Oh man… at the time I thought she was the most beautiful creature ever to grace my eyeballs. Still a stunningly ...

The Audio Edition: Revenge of the Sith Edition

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=6202619 AudioDescription=Well, it's a little late getting out here... but finally here is the Audio Edition that we talk about my viewing of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. But that's not all folks... download this now... and as a bonus you'll receive our review of the new Kingdom of Heaven! Here's a sneak peak - Revenge of the Sith = Really Good. Kingdom of Heaven = Sucky.

Unleshed Reviews

Unleashed is a film i’ve been curious to see for a year now. I can’t remember seeing such an interesting combination for a cast before. Jet Li with Morgan Freeman? So the early reviews are now in, and to my ...

Monster-In-Law Reviews

Here comes Monster-In Law with Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda. Everyone knows what I think of Jennifer Lopez as an actress. She is the poster child for the saying “famous for being famous”. A woman win no discernible acting talent ...

How do you like your POPCORN BABY!

You know what, I’m just a walking Pavlovian experiment. The moment I walk into a theatre… my mouth starts to water. Even if I just came from dinner and I’m stuffed beyond belief, my mouth instantly starts craving that forbidden ...