Forgetting Names

Doing the live show here on The Movie Blog is great, but sometimes it’s hard to always be able to pull people’s names off the top of my head and I get frustrated about it. Uncut viewer GeneSiskelsGhost put together ...

Ghost Town Review

Thanks for checking out our Ghost Town review. If you’d like to see the video version of the Ghost Town review you can watch it at the bottom of this post. Ever since watching Mystery Men and As Good As ...

Igor Review

Thanks for checkout out our Igor review. If you’d like to watch a video version of the Igor review you can view it at the bottom of this post. The world of 3D animated films is getting more and more ...

Face To Face Posters

They just released the first poster for the upcoming “The Soloist” movie with Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Foxx. My friend Kris Tapley over at put up an interesting little image showing just how overdone this sort of poster ...