Death Race Review

Thanks for checking out our Death Race Review. If you’d like to see the video version of our Death Race review, you can check it out at the bottom of our written version. There used to be a plethora of ...

The House Bunny Review

Thanks for checking out our House Bunny Review. If you’d like to see a video version of our House Bunny review, you can see it at the bottom of our written version. I’ve never understood the fascination some people have ...

The Rocker Review

Wilson has a mastery over the art of expression that feeds so much life into his Dwight Schrute character that I could honestly say I'd watch an entire episode of just him talking to the camera about his life and it would still be hilarious. ... Don't get me wrong, I think it was a good move to give him a shot at leading a movie, but it becomes obvious pretty quickly that Wilson's amazing talents are much better suited and taken advantage of when they're used in supporting roles where he is more free to just bring the hilarity.