Wall-E Review

Thanks for checking out our Wall-E review. You can also check out a video version of our Wall-E review at the bottom of this post. I’ve said it many times before… for my money, Pixar is not only the best ...

Crank 2 Set Stuff

Sometimes it’s really good to be in Los Angeles. I had a chance to hang out for a few days on the set of the upcoming “Crank 2” (Which might be called “Crank: High Voltage”) with Jason Statham. I’ll give ...

Transformers 2 Spoilers

This information about Transformers 2 comes to me from a trusted source that reveals what could be a very significant plot detail for the upcoming Transformers movie including some info on Rainn Wilson’s role, and why Sam goes nuts. Check ...

Wanted Review

Thanks for checking out our Wanted review. Unfortunately we don’t have a video version of the Wanted review, but we will discuss it in an upcoming podcast. For now, here’s our written review. From the first moment that I heard ...

Some In House News

Hey there guys, John here. Ok, just a couple of quick in house news items and reminders: 1) There will be no Podcast tonight. Doug is returning late from a music festival in Montreal, so we’re going to do the ...

The Love Guru Review

Thanks for checking out our The Love Guru Review. We unfortunately don’t have a video version of The Love Guru review, but we will discuss it in an upcoming podcast. For all intents and purposes, we haven’t seen Mike Myers ...

Get Smart Review

Thanks for checking out our Get Smart Review. There is no video version of the Get Smart review, but we will discuss it in an upcoming podcast. Right from the beginning I was excited about the news that there would ...