I spoke this week with Writer/Producer Rob DePalo about his moving film, “Tapestry”. Please click on this link for my review and interview: https://thequickflickcritic.blogspot.com/2020/03/tapestry-weaving-message-of-inspiration.html
The new release “Foggy Days” marks yet another entry in a provocative parade of short films from Sweden. With the focus on modern love, it’s message is both timeless and universal. I daresay nearly all of us have been the ...
The new crime drama “Blood on Her Name” may best be summed up thusly: The sins of the father are visited upon the daughter and then splattered upon the son. And it’s not lookin’ too good for the pattern to ...
https://youtu.be/sTbb39iNNqo Life is sorely lacking if not to like something from the legendary music catalog of Motown Records. For those not hip to the hit-generating machine founded in 1958 and then paternally powered by pop and soul icons Berry Gordy ...
The new domestic drama “Standing Up, Falling Down” features the great Billy Crystal in perhaps his most affecting acting performance. Though tough to sympathize with him based upon past conduct with his family, Crystal’s deeply flawed character Marty is nonetheless ...
There is a lot to unpack in the new Norwegian television crime drama “Twin” streaming now on MHz Choice. Uff da is there ever. Each installment of this entrancing eight-part series is jam-packed with more secrets, lies and diabolical deception ...
The darkly comic, Oscar winning South Korean tale of the haves and the have nots “Parasite” is at once laugh-out-loud funny, ludicrous, lamentable and lacerating. Make that last adjective both lyrical and literal. Acclaimed Writer/Director Bong Joon-ho introduces us ...
I wasn’t sure where the new Swedish short “Alive” would take me. Not at any point was I confident how this well done tale of a disabled woman and her caregiver was ultimately going to wind up. Until, that is, ...
I like Justin Long. I have since I first became aware of him as an actor in the quirky NBC TV dramedy, “Ed”. Long stars in the new drugamedy (yeah, that’s now a thing ;]), “The Wave”. Talk about your ...
“Mountaintop” (2019): Rock and Roll Can Never Die Neil Young is a rock and folk music icon. He is still bringin’ it with unabashed sass and searing soul over fifty years into a legendary career. Vital music. Thoughtful music. Kick ...
“Scooter”: A most Unctuous & Unwelcome Return to the Found Footage Fad So you thought Found Footage Flicks had long since come and gone, didja? Oh, think again, my friend. The new alleged thriller “Scooter” has rolled onto the scene. ...
This is an especially well acted film. Khalil McMillan delivers a piercing performance in “What Death Leaves Behind” as a troubled husband and father whose life is torn apart after undergoing an organ transplant. Scott A. Hamilton does a superb ...