Sorry For The Delay

Hello friends, sorry for the absence, I slept through my alarm. Luckily my cats woke me up from my magical sleep and I am able to post anew! The 2 PM Live Show will restart tomorrow and be available for ...

New Old Enterprise

Maybe you are not old enough to remember it, but back in the day Coca-Cola decided to update its formula and brought out New Coke. Call it Coke:The Next Generation. Well it failed and they re-released Coca-Cola Classic. Which is ...

Dance Flick Poster Online

The only thing I like about Spoof movies are the posters. They are actually clever visual representations of the movies they intend to spoof, paying solid tribute in mashing them all together in parody. I am a graphic designer, so ...

New Star Trek Posters Online has posted up some new Poster images for Star Trek, and I love how they look. The Kirk poster looks a little less like Kirk than other images I have seen, but unrelentingly Zachary Qunito has shown nothing but ...

Sherlock Plot Revealed got wind of an intrepid fan who got his hands on a script for Robert Downey Jr’s upcoming Sherlock Holmes: One of our loyal readers from the U.K has sent in the following story details from the Guy Ritchie ...